Podcast And AudioBooks


Podcast editing: I remove gaps, errors, and unwanted sounds as well as reduce noise and reverb. I can also edit and soften words like “um’s”, “ah’s” or sounds like “S-T-Z-SH” which may be too obvious, and remove breathing, pauses, stumbling, and coughing.

Podcast mixing: I can mix the voices of the participants (interviewee, interviewer) and apply EQ, compression, and other techniques.

Original music (intro, outro): I can create unique music that fits the podcast topic perfectly.

Podcast mastering: I use a thorough and critical listening process to optimize the audio translation on all playback systems, volumes, formats, and for publishing. I match industry standards by using proper equalization and dynamic processing.

Podcast recording engineer: I can record your podcast at your location or in the studio using the best equipment, microphones, and location to achieve the ideal sound quality, comfort, and technical safety.

Other services I offer include:

  • Noise cancellation
  • Dynamic and transient amplification
  • EQ and tonal balance
  • Volume and balance adjustments
  • Music and sound effects
  • Targeted volume level (EBU R128 and ATSC A/85)
